Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Students will learn the structure of a narrative in order to continue practicing new strategies to revise and edit their writing.

The Ten-Sentence Story Step 1
Create a new notebook entry in your Writers Notebook called: "The Ten-Sentence Story"

The Ten-Sentence Story Step 2
Choose a topic from the list below:
The scary room
My first go-go
The lost and found
Escape from captivity
The break up
The make up

The Ten-Sentence Story Step 3
  1. OK, so now you’ve selected one of the topics. Now, tell a story in 10 sentences or less.
  2. You can combine ideas, but the story CAN ONLY BE TEN SENTENCES LONG.
  3. Though you are collaborating on the story, you must record the story in your own notebook.
Share Out!
While your peers are sharing their answers, ask yourself and them:
  1. Are the stories complete with a beginning, middle and end?
  2. Do they have characters and settings?
  3. Is there a plot? Does the story have a conflict/resolution or problem/solution?

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